Share your favorite memories of Friendly High School!
An assignment that changed my life

In our sophomore English class, Mr. Poniatowski required us to keep a journal that we had to write in everyday (even if it was just a sentence). While it seemed like too much work at the time, I am grateful he had us do this. Over the past 20+ years, I've filled more than 40 books. Including adventures from my pom pom and track days, my first love, all the drama of the teen years, and all of the major (and not so major events of my life) from the age of 15.

Thanks Mr. P.  

Lacretia Johnson
Whew where do I start...

Hooking school with Lillian Brewer...She had a old Caprice (I think) it was green with the gear shift on the steering column. HAHA.  She had a spoon in it because the handle fell off.  The heat stayed on all the time!  You couldn't turn it off, so we couldn't keep our feet on the floor for long periods of time because the heat would burn them.  HAHAHAHA!  OMG.  Yes Stacy I do remember the Nasty Crew!!! Wow Am I glad we grew up!

Deborah Jackson
Back in the Day

I really miss those days, I can always remember people saying you are so short but tried my best to keep it fly and til this day I'm still trying to be fly. I really got it in at Friendly.

Jabari Whitlow
Sean Nixon

I know yall gotta remember the day that it took forever and a day for the Class of 89 to get to the assembly hall. The school staff got pissed and canceled all of our assemblies, I think for the rest of the school year.


There are a few that I have but this is the one that I always have ppl trippin off of. I was cutting up in Mr. Tuchinardi's class and he told me to go to the office. I went to the office and came back to his class. He asked me what was I doing back in his class. I told him that I went to the office. He asked me what happen and what did they (the principal I guess) say. I said I don't know. He said what do you mean you don't know. I said I didn't go in. He said why not. I said you told me to go to the office, you didn't say anything about going in. Then he began to shout "Mr. Nixon get out of my class" because everybody fell out laughing. Now I know yall gotta remember the beatbox competition that went on at the beginning of the day before the first bell in the lobby. There are a few more (thug stories) but those I have to share with my Southview Soldiers!!!!

The Good Old Days!!! But not always so good.

Mr. Overton's class room. You wanted to skip a class, go hang out there and party.  Need a pass to get back in another class, go to Mr. Overton, he will hook you up.  The Nasty Crew.  We was the Bomb!  At least we thought we were. Skipping school but some how managing to get caught by somebody's parent, aunt, cousin, etc...  and creeping.  Nasty Crew on the Prowl, Watch Out!  I'll take your man! (LOL)  Thank GOD we grew up!!!

Stacy Males
Belinda - '87 Joyride

I remember stealing my dad’s Mazda truck (1987) and picking up Rodney Paige and Katrina Harrison. We were out joyriding and later decided to stop at 7-11 on

Livingston Road
(across from Giant). We came out with our purchase, hoped back in the ride and were jamming to Kool Moe Dee’s “How You Like Me Now?” Rodney had on my father’s sunglasses and we were all noddin’ on beat. I put the truck in reverse and my parents rolled up on us like the FBI, blocking us in. My mother knocked on the window and said, “Give me the keys.”  We were scared as hell, but still managed to laugh while my mother drove everyone back home. It took me a whole month to get the courage to steal the truck again… LOL


Belinda Robinson
High School Memories

I was young and hott!  "Was" being the operative word. 

I had some really good friends, some cool associates, no job, and a 1978 Ford Granada.  I loved skipping school, watching Jukebox and MTV videos, and hanging with friends.

Life was good even though I did have a few girls who'd always promised to beat me up.  LOL!  But I escaped high school with only one scuffle, a few embarrassing moments, and loads of great memories.

Margaret Johnson
In time, will tell....

The kango, is that still in? but i still look good.

Quiana Alton
The Crew!

What the hell was up wit da hairstyles? We was some straight bammas MANNN!!!

Sharleeta Miles
Tiffany Scott (Diggs)

The Class of 1989 Senior Class Play

The best part about Senior Class 1989 was that VICIOUS class musical we put on.  We were the ORIGINAL "High School Musical"!!!

And of course...the best choreographed part...NEW EDITION!!!  by yours truly.

We put on that play like a trillion times by popular demand!  By the way, does ANYONE have the video of that play?

Tiffany Diggs

You guys remember sneaking out the auditorium door to the back parking lot.  Two and three at a time until like ten people piled in one car off to McD's for lunch.  The "open lunch" policy was, if you could get out an open door; lunch was open!

Tangy Harris Millard
Nancy Givens

My best memory was when Deborah Jackson (Cookie) ran down the hall and her pony tail fell off and she picked up the pony tail like nothing happened put it back in her hair and kept going. Talking about a diva on the go. Sorry chica!  You know I love yah.  Cant wait to see all of you. If you will like to contact me, feel free. My email is and my number is 702-807-3080, that right baby thats a Las Vegas area code.

Nancy Givens

My favorite time at Friendly was art class.  Mr. Franklin was the best teacher I ever had.  School was not my favorite part of the day and he always lent a kind word. 

Julie Heil

My favorite memory of Friendly High was skipping 4th period so I could go to A, B, & C lunch periods. I hated my 4th period English Class!